- Has released an alpha Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) is an SDK that allows you to use the same business logic code in iOS and Android apps. The alpha version of KMM was released yesterday and you can already start creating a unified business logic for your mobile apps.
The new version of KMM includes a plugin for Android Studio that allows you to write, run, test, and debug shared code in a single environment. KMM easily integrates with your mobile project. General code written in Kotlin is compiled to JVM bytecode using Kotlin/JVM and to native binaries using Kotlin/Native, so you can use your KMM business logic modules just like any other regular mobile library.

Google launches Growth Academy for Ukraine and Belarus
Growth Academy is a three — month online program that runs from September to December 2020. Participants will complete a training cycle on the following topics: "Development" → "Growth" → "Monetization".
The main language of the program is English. Classes will be held in the format of webinars from experts and individual consultations with speakers and Google specialists. Non-gaming startups that meet the following criteria can join the program:
• run their business from Ukraine or Belarus;
• develop mobile applications or develop their business through Internet applications;
• develop non-gaming applications: utilities, retail, Finance, media, entertainment, etc.
• registered as business entities;
• have a ready-made prototype (first version) of the app uploaded to the App Store and/or Play Store, or to Test Flight (the downloaded app must have a rating of at least 4 stars);
• a startup wants to grow its business and grow all over the world. -
Facebook to release smart glasses along with Ray-Ban. Next year, the world's largest social network and one of the market leaders in sunglasses, Luxxotica (owns, in particular, the Ray-Ban brand) will release smart glasses of joint development. This was announced by the company's CEO mark Zuckerberg during a live broadcast of the Facebook Connect event. Previously, the partnership was known at the level of rumors. According to CNBC, glasses are not a one — time project, the companies have agreed on a long-term cooperation.
"I can't go into the specific details of the product yet, but this is really the next step on the road to augmented reality glasses," Zuckerberg said. "And they [the glasses] look pretty good, too."
In addition, Facebook will start using a device called Project Aria for research purposes. It looks like massive glasses and will allow you to collect the necessary information for the development of a similar consumer device — video, sound, data on the direction of view and geolocation. Project Aria glasses will be worn by Facebook employees and temporary employees at the company's headquarters and public spaces starting this month. However, this device does not have the functions of augmented reality. However, it will help Facebook understand what augmented reality glasses and their software should be like.

- Alpha version of Flutter released for Windows. An alpha version of Flutter for Windows was released. Flutter itself was first introduced at the Google I/O developer conference in 2017. Flutter was originally focused on developing apps for Android and iOS, but has now expanded to cover the web, MacOS, and Linux, which support is currently available in alpha or beta versions. Using Google's own Dart programming language, Flutter allows developers to create apps that seem native to each platform they run on, sharing as much code as possible to avoid duplication, and "accepting differences where they exist," as Google puts it. Flutter supports devices running Windows 7 and higher, and Google says it will continue to "stabilize" Flutter for Windows in the coming months.