What we did?
Our Flutter team handled development of mobile and web clients for banking application, beside deployed to both stores app also available as web version. Complicated behavior, 60+ screens, authentication using clients custom auth system and biometrics using Entersekt. KYC and transactions authorization using biometrics and OTP. Push notifications, long-polling, multi-language UI, flavors for builds for several API and settings configurations. For models and BLoC components generation used Freezed code generation. Many custom widgets and two themas for Material UI 2 Kit. Micro animation and optimized rendering makes app user experience smooth, clear and stressless.
Application utilizes Flutter 3.* , BLoC, RxDart, FireBase stack, Entersekt KYC, Material UI etc.
The result
Mobile applications published to both Apple AppStore and Google Play Market, web client hosted by clients.