Was wir gemacht haben?
Our Flutter team handled development of mobile and web clients for banking application, beside deployed to both stores app also available as web version. Complicated behavior, 60+ screens, authentication using clients custom auth system and biometrics using Entersekt. KYC and transactions authorization using biometrics and OTP. Push notifications, long-polling, multi-language UI, flavors for builds for several API and settings configurations. For models and BLoC components generation used Freezed code generation. Many custom widgets and two themas for Material UI 2 Kit. Micro animation and optimized rendering makes app user experience smooth, clear and stressless.
Application utilizes Flutter 3.* , BLoC, RxDart, FireBase stack, Entersekt KYC, Material UI etc.
Das ergebnis
Mobile applications published to both Apple AppStore and Google Play Market, web client hosted by clients.