What we did?

Разработени мобилни клиенти за iOS, Android и BlackBerry. Разработена VoIP система с Asterisk. Разработен администраторски уеб интерфейс и бекенд приложение, използващо Java и C++. 

Our Team
Android team, iOS Team
Objective C

The result

"Encrypted VoIP System"’s triple layered security scheme turns your PC/Laptop, Nokia Phone or Android device into a military grade encrypted communicator, protected against any interception attempt by private, governmental or military entities.




Love our Work?
Let's discuss a project!

If you plan to build non-standard software system please consider us as a vendor. We traditionally good with complicated solutions designing and implementing, improving existing systems with better mathematical and programming approaches via looking on your problem at new angle.

We are good and experienced in various kinds of IoT systems, in-door positioning and way finding, systems with mobile clients and web applications using geo-location and secure user data. As well as with solutions for real estates sector, collecting and updating listings data via REST protocol. POS systems, restaurant managing solutions with mobile clients are also our realm. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us, even if you don't have a project yet but want to chat about technology - we are always open!

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Get in touch

Свържете се

Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Sales)


Eckenheimer Schulstraße, 20

+38 (098) 630-49-85


Kharkiv, Ukraine (Development)


Trinklera street, 9

+38 (050) 908-31-07


Burgas, Bulgaria (Development)


бул. „Транспортна“ 15, Northern Industrial Zone

+359 877 350129
